5 Reasons to be Excellent

Remember, tomorrow is promised to no one.  – Walter Payton

1.    Self Growth and Actualization
It’s not important what you GET in life, but instead what you BECOME and what you leave behind as a result.

The quality of your life will be determined by the depth of your commitment to excellence more than by any other factor  – Vince Lombardi

2.    Competitive Edge in Life
If you don’t make a commitment to become excellent in your chosen field, you don’t stand a chance of making it in today’s competitive society. Nothing will improve unless you commit to be excellent: professionally, personally, socially, etc.Continue reading

5 Steps to Break a Bad Habit

A habit is a frozen interpretation from the past that is applied to the present. – Deepak Chopra

A habit both good and bad takes time to develop.  If you think about it this way, then you can realistically decide a time frame to accommodate stopping it.

Before you can attempt to stop that nasty habit, consider the following:Continue reading