A Journey From Darkness – Week 5

A lot of my girlfriends in the city and in other major areas around the USA have made a decision. They would rather drink their calories than eat them. I shared this “in” diet methodology with Cat. She said to me, “Do you really think it makes sense?”

I said, “A calorie is a calorie…”

To which she replied, “Yes, but what happens when you ingest certain calories?”

Here in lies the fundamental difference between holistic and regular medicine. No one ever asked me or explained things to me. No medical professional asked me to make a choice – they simply told me this is a solution, do that, don’t do this. Eat x amount a day, take these pills, etc…. You know the drill.

My food diary changed gears this week. I began adding in a few of the things taken off for the past month – in a modest amount and saw/experienced how it impaired and/or affected my digestion, my sleep, my skin. Yep – the jury is in. Sugar = bad.

Sadly, the other truth constantly smacking me in the face is that everything we eat, think, and do will affect our health. Actions and decisions have consequences, even the ones we made 10 years ago. We kind of all know this, though, don’t we? We just need a professional to remind us.Continue reading

A Journey from Darkness – Week 4

When we are children, we are forgiven a lot easier than when we are adults. I guess this has to do with the ramifications of our actions vs. those of a child. I realize that this is very metaphoric in how our body treats us in response to how we feed and keep it. I don’t like it. Sometimes I yearn for the simple years of childhood.

I am thinking these thoughts as I stand in a food store near my apartment while us New Yorkers prepare for Irene. I am debating the end of the world and how these candy bars are going as fast as water. I know, I know, I have a sugar addiction but so what if I die tomorrow? Then again, if they find me surrounded in chocolate, no one will believe I was really trying. Dilemma. I buy 5 just in case.Continue reading

A Journey from Darkness – Week 3

I must admit that I feel very accountable writing this weekly diary of my struggle to all who care to read it. However, I am remiss to report this week I fell victim to some of my demons and a lot of the encouraging work I did seemed for not.

I am being pushed at work beyond my regular boundaries. I understand why. I get it. But, I almost feel like a contagious virus and everyone wants to steer away from me, despite 7 years of great work. The economy has not turned around and a loss of a client is unforgivable. But, is this my second chance or am I being forced to the back door? I digress…

I was not supposed to have sugar in my coffee this week. I needed a hit in each cup. I am still down to 1 which to me is a miracle regardless of the madness in and around me.

I did a no show for my appointment. I am billed in full for this. Enough said.Continue reading